Introducing Baxraven

About Baxraven

As of 2019 Baxraven is a new venture with a very fluid path ahead of it. There are no business goals to make in terms of sales and no requirements for huge profits, just a genuine passion for the outdoors. Our plan moving forward is to produce a range of unique ultralight hiking products that offer more utility with less volume and weight.

Achieving this will be no easy task and we certainly have no plans to compete with big outdoors suppliers who mass produce in high volumes of mediocre gear. Our equipment will be designed by us, for us with the specific intention of replacing an existing item that has some inherent flaw in its design.

Most seasoned hikers will finish a trip with a long list of niggles about their current gear. Developing and refining hiking kit is often part of the fun, right? But eventually, you’ll reach a point where the niggles you have left simply can’t be resolved. There is no magical ultralight cook kit where every single item you need will totally nest together into a single pot. If there is, then please let us know about it!

Meet a Team member

Simon - Part of the Baxraven team

Simon Tunnard

Over the years my kit has evolved to be more compact, lightweight and specialised. In the early days, my backpack was huge and jammed full of totally useless gear. 

Pots and pans from the kitchen cupboard still caked in grease, a musty old sleeping bag that once belonged to a second cousin I’d never met and don’t get me started on the padded rainproof jacket! – I thought a shell was something you find on the back of a Ninja Turtle. 

Had a fellow hiker asked about my sleep system, I’d have probably explained how I mostly prefer to sleep on my side. Looking back on those early hikes I have to say, they were some of the best times I’ve had outdoors. I just assumed everyone had to put up with painful ankles, sore hips, soggy socks and blisters. It was a small price to pay for the level of joy that can be attained when you’re in the elements and connecting with nature.

These days my trips are a lot less painful and far more organised. This has a great deal to do with the improvements I’ve made to my hiking gear and the confidence I have in using it. I’m looking forward to developing some cool hiking products under the Baxraven brand and can’t wait to share them with others!

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